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Get More Bible Fun! With this second book in my easy to read “Old Testament Word Search Book” series now available on Amazon.com
Old Testament Word Search Fun! Book 2 Book of Genesis Chapters 28 to 50
ISBN: 1500651427
Take a Look Inside this second book in the series, to continue to discover a whole different way to have Bible fun with your family! Great fun for you, your family and friends, and all the members of your congregation! They’ll be forever grateful to you for letting them in on this Bible fun. It is a great gift for both young and old alike, to learn and to have fun with the Bible. Hours of word search fun are in store for you.
Help spread the word and share the Bible in a whole new way fun way.
Thank you and God Bless,
Joe Wocoski
Ad ref: 34416 | Posted 11 years ago