Sri Lanka-Vacation to Pradise Island

Location: USA

Ad details

Elephant Travels & Tours Holding (Pvt) Ltd

Phone Number
52, Jawatte Road, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka, Colombo 5, Western 00500

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Let's Make It A Social Thing!

Twitter is the microblogging king, Facebook lets you connect and share with people, and LinkedIn strengthens and extends your network of business contacts. Tell the people on your distribution list that they can join your social network through the “Find Me” badges. Encourage them to connect with you and add a new dimension to your relationship.

Contacts should know how you’ll be using your social network outlets--what you’ll be sharing through what channel. Stress that the information will be relevant and helpful or fun. Ask them to forward your email to people they know who might be interested in connecting with you.

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Ad ref: 18712 | Posted 13 years ago