Location: Shanghai
Losekann Fontes was estabilished in Porto Alegre, south of Brazil in September 2014. The aim of LF is to provide high quality legal services to foreign companies interested in investing in Brazil and South America.
Daniel, principal lawyer has spent nearly a decade overseas studying and working in countries such as Switzerland and Australia. Daniel has specialized in contracts, intellectual property, corporation law, regulatory and information of technology.
LF focuses on offering full board legal services to its clients. It offers both consulting and litigation Brazil wide. LF deals with Regulation Boards such as the Competition, Electricity Agency, Mining and Energy Ministry etc.
Daniel has been working for and with diverse foreign companies along his professional life and is proud to continue cooperating and working together for the development of new business opportunities in this part of world.
Please, if you are planning to land in Brazil, do not hesitate in contacting Losekann Fontes. For more details, visit our website http://losekannfontes.wix.com/consulting.
Ad ref: 35587 | Posted 11 years ago