Looking for a full-time/part-time job? Look no further, join us now.

Location: Singapore

Ad details

Looking for a full-time/part-time job?  Look no further, join us now.

We are an event advertising company looking for young promoters to conduct outdoor sales.

Candidates should be friendlyout-going and sociable to fit this job since it is all about outdoor sales.


*High commission-based of 40% - 50%

*Ensures you at least $80 a day.   (at least $2,080/month excluding bonus and incentives)

*Short working hours from 10am - 6pm 

*Fun-filled environment 

*Have fun while you work and able to work with your friends.

*No capital/investment needed and risk-free & legalised job.

Candidates who are interested may leave a message of your name, age, and gender to 9850 5890. Strictly messages and whatsapps only. No calls.

Looking for people who can start ASAP. Limited vacancies available. Act fast! :)

Ad ref: 25015 | Posted 12 years ago