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Male and Female English bulldog

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Dogs

Female English bulldog 11 weeks old great with bigger dogs doesn't like small dogs very good with kids she's house trained utd on all shots asking text me only ! tel:719-602-1619

Female English bulldog - $400

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Dogs

Female English bulldog 11 weeks old . She is a beautiful little dog but she is just a little to much for me with my disabilty. I am asking 500.00 for her to go to a good home. She is crate trained for ...

precious pair of Breeding African Grey (505) 657-8230 - $300

Located in Lafayette

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Birds

We recently moved to Corsica and our home is not conducive to Kelly who had 2 cages and would watch TV with us and then fly to her cage to poop. She is very social and misses us when we are downstairs ...

Most beautiful parrots (505) 657-8230 - $300

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Birds

African grey Congo parrot talks a lot can count from 1 to 5 says hello bye bye, gimme a kiss, I love you, does the phone bell, comes with large cage that has a play top, 2 and a half years old closed ...

6 pair of Breeding African Grey (505) 657-8230 - $300

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Birds

Brilliant talkers, Dancers, Sings, Whistle's, Mimics Police Siren, Alarms, Phone tones etc.Hand reared, Closed rung, Healthy feathers, With Large Cage/toys/food.Healthy and disease free. Vet ...

Extra Charming Male And Female English Bulldog Puppies For adoption,

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Dogs

Extra Charming Male And Female English Bulldog Puppies For adoption, fully vaccinated , this is a very sad parting and very genuine, they loves to play and be cuddled, and they are really friendly ...

Extra Charming Male And Female English Bulldog Puppies For adoption,

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Dogs

Extra Charming Male And Female English Bulldog Puppies For adoption, fully vaccinated , this is a very sad parting and very genuine, they loves to play and be cuddled, and they are really friendly ...

Extra Charming Male And Female English Bulldog Puppies For adoption,

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Dogs

Extra Charming Male And Female English Bulldog Puppies For adoption, fully vaccinated , this is a very sad parting and very genuine, they loves to play and be cuddled, and they are really friendly ...

Extra Charming Male And Female English Bulldog Puppies For adoption,

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Dogs

Extra Charming Male And Female English Bulldog Puppies For adoption, fully vaccinated , this is a very sad parting and very genuine, they loves to play and be cuddled, and they are really friendly ...

Extra Charming Male And Female English Bulldog Puppies For adoption,

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Dogs

Extra Charming Male And Female English Bulldog Puppies For adoption, fully vaccinated , this is a very sad parting and very genuine, they loves to play and be cuddled, and they are really friendly ...

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