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Formal Dress - $40

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Baju/Aksesoris

Formal dress, size 3/4. Bought a few years ago, only been worn once to prom. Practically brand new - no stains, etc. Only wrinkly because it's been in storage for a while.More information

Formal Dress - $35

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Baju/Aksesoris

Formal dress size 5, received a few years ago. Never been worn. Practically brand new condition - no stains, etc. Only wrinkly because it's been in storage for a while.More information

Formal Dress - $45

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Baju/Aksesoris

Formal dress, size 8/10, few years old. Only been worn twice. Practically brand new - no stains, etc. Only a bit wrinkly because it's been in storage for a while.More information

Henri De Rivel Saddle and Accessories- MAKE AN OFFER! IT MUST GO - $800

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Baju/Aksesoris

I have a 16.5" Henri De Rivel saddle that I bought in 2007. It has been ridden in MAYBE 6x and has been stored in TWO saddle bags since then. Comes with saddle, matching bridle, show pad that has ...

Lucchesse Ostrich Boots - MAKE AN OFFER! THEY MUST GO - $500

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Baju/Aksesoris

Lucchesse Ostrich boots. Work 1x and have been in their box since then. Paid $698.00 new. Size 8. 500.00 or best offer. Must go soon. Will ship and accept Paypal.More information

Strapless Satin Dress w/Sweetheart Neckline - For any occassion - $100

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Baju/Aksesoris

I am selling my bridesmaid dress from my friends wedding Oct. 2. Its a beautiful dress, only worn once. Its perfect for dances, weddings, etc...I just know I will never wear it again. It will be dry ...

Wedding Dress - $450

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Baju/Aksesoris

This is a brand new Allure Bridals gown with veil set Here are some pictures of the dress and accessories, the details are as follows: * Actual Dress photos (Allure Bridal 2006, Style No. 8264, ...

iPad 2 Sells for $100.03

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Penjualan

iPad 2 Sells for $100.03An iPad 2 Just Sold For $100.03 That's 79% OFF the RETAIL Price! Visit and Start Saving Today

Mink Coat Full Length (Paris) - $6,995

Located in USA

Posted Jun 14, 2010 to Baju/Aksesoris

Genuine Natural Ranch Mink Fur Coat*** Selected farmed female pelts***Fully let out***Full sleeve***Swings full***Full square collar***Fully silk lined*** Three furrier's locking clasps and one hook ...

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