Location: USA
We are proud of offer high quality product, one of most reliable company on the market and get satisfied feedback from our customers.Our price include registered air mail delivery. Delivery time 2-3 days. ..we sale both in wholesale and retail prices.We accept bank transfer for large orders, money-gram and western union. we have instock the following products such as: Mephedrone crystal and powder methedrone Flephedrone Mathedrone Buphedrone Ethedrone Brephedrone Synthacaine Crystal Nitricaine MDAI 5-Meo-Dalt Freebase Orange AMT 2-AI (SALE) Mdma and BK mdma crystals and powder methylone butylone NAPHYRONE MBDB Mdai 5-Methylmethylone crystal and powder 5-Methylethylone 2-Methylbutylone 5-Methylbutylone Butylone Eutylone Pentylone 4-MEC large and small crystals ( (RS)-1-(4-methylphenyl)- 2-methylaminopropan-1-one ). methamphetamine detrophetamine Ethcathinone Methoxetamine Dimethocaine Dimethylcathinone crystal and powder Diethylpropion Methcathinone Ethcathinone 3-MMC,3-MEC,3-EMC 3-EEC,4-EMC,4-EEC 3-MOMC,2-FMC,2-FEC,a-PVP 3-FMC,3-FEC,3-CMC, FPVP 3-BMC,N,N-DEMC,3,4-DMMC 4-MePPP,MOPPP, FPPP MPBP,MPHP,MDPPP, MDPBP Powder and crystals Ab-chminaca AM 2201 AM2202 am1220 am122 compliments of 2ci and 2ce 2ci, 2CP 2CE ,2CB 2CD,FLY 2CC ,2CP 2CT21, 2CT4 compliments of jwh- JWH-018 , JWH-250 JWH-018,JWH-073 JWH-200,JWH-250 JWH-240,jwh-350 compliments of Meo-crystal and powder 5-Meo-DMT 4-Aco-DMT 4-Ho-MIPT 4 PB-22 5F-PB22 5F-UR144 5F-AKB48 AB-Fubinaca AB-Pinaca BB-22 5F-BB22 a-PVP a-PBP thj2201 PV-8 ST-135 5FAKB458 5fur-144 AM2201 mam2201 ur-144 5FPB-22 we have other research chemicals that we sale upon request. Our quality is the best you can find around with guaranteed discreet delivery in good condition.. We are interested in long-term buyers and bulk orders . Note======Minimum order 10grams. Delivery method ========EMS, FedEx ,or TNT. Delivery time=========2 to 3 days. Packaging=========== Discreet. All inquiries are welcome at==========(Chemstradelink@gmail.com) Contact number============(337)-565-0758. Skype id=================chems.tradelink.
Ad ref: 35529 | Posted 11 years ago