Your Exam Success, Our Target, See Website.

Location: Singapore


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 Your Exam Success, Our Target, See Website.

Established since 1980, we have with the loyal sterling support of our clients, emerged as one of the reputable LEADING Tuition Centres. Over the years, we truly understand the concerns and needs of parents and students...


--Large pool of responsible, trained , highly experienced full-time and part-time qualified professionals,School Teachers, NIE Trained Teachers, Graduates from Local and overseas universities, recognised polytechnics and JC Tutors--

-- Offer a wide range of subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Bio, A,E,H maths, POA, Econs.Geog,Hist,GP.Eng,Tamil,Malay, Chinese,Poly Maths, Engrg Science, Uni Econs, ACCA, LCCI, Statistics, TOEL, IELS and SAT--

-- Serve all levels, all districts for JC1-2, IB , Sec 1-4, P1-6 and even K1 & 2--

-- Music Lessons eg. for Piano/Guitar/Organ/Violin/Flute/Cello--

-- Teaching sessions are closely based on the latest Ministry of Education (MOE) syllabus--

--Sessions are examinations-oriented and results-centered--

--We take every effort to pick the best and right tutor to match students needs--

-- Free Consultation, without obligation to discuss tuition needs. Personalized service provided----

-- Ensure that tutors give feedback on the progress of students, especially their areas of improvement needed--

-- Tutors are encouraged to hold mock tests, periodically, to gauge and monitor progess. Thereafter, to support with remedial assistance.

-- Effective, relevant materials & latest test papers will be used in teaching--

-- JC $35, Sec $25, Pri $15--

--Contact Us via 97472248/


Ad ref: 1558 | Posted 14 years ago