Vicodin &Xanax &Oxycontin &Valium &Percocet &MDMA &Ketamine Powder

Location: Miami

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(M DM A)(Xa n ax)(Vic od in)(Per cocet)(Ke ta mi ne)(At iv an)(Kl oro pin)(Re sto ril)(Am bi en)(Lu ne st a)(Ad de ra ll)(ox yc ont in)(Mo rph ine)(Met had one)(ro xic on done)(Co de ine)(Rit al in)(Pro metha zine)(Co ugh)(S y rup)(Val ium)list of 420 (Sin al oa Ku sh),(St ra wbe rry Ku sh),(O G Ku sh),(So ul Die sel)


This list of product are not full for some reason just go on our webpage for list of other product,or contact us directly at (801) 742-7079

Ad ref: 41185 | Posted 9 years ago