IB micro economics ia ee tutor help guidance example sample

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The IB Economics is a hub for articles and advice for IB Economics students, with particular emphasis on preparation for the Internal Assessment. The Internal Assessment aspect of the course requires students to apply theory from their course in a portfolio of 3 commentaries based on news articles connected to their syllabus.
The home page of this site is a blog with regularly updated news articles relevant to the IB Economics course. Some of these might be appropriate for an Internal Assessment commentary. Others will simply help place theory in a contemporary context.
Specific advice on selecting suitable articles, applying appropriate theory and drafting a quality commentary can be found on the unit pages: Microeconomics, Macroeconmics, International Economics and Development Economics. The portfolio is worth 20% of a student's overall grade in Economics (HL and SL).

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Ad ref: 41544 | Posted 9 years ago