ib geography tuition tutor extended essay

Location: Bangalore

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We are the expert and world renowned ib assignment specialists for all the subjects such as math hl ia, math sl ia, mathematics studies ia, math extended essay, physics ia extended essay, chemistry ia extended essay, biology ia extended essay, economics ia/commentary extended essay, business management ia extended essay, design technology dt ia extended essay, tok Example sample essay and tok presentation Tok structure , English written task wt, English written assignment WA, History ia extended essay, Geography ia extended essay, etc. 100% guarantee for top class grades

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Email: ramprhr@gmail.com )

Website: http://www.topclassibtutors.com.

IB Geography is offered at both Higher (HL) and Standard Level (SL). For students who would like to further their studies in Geography, Ecological and Environmental Sciences, Land Economy or Urban Studies at university, it is recommended that they take Geography at higher level.

IB Geography focuses heavily on application. To do well, students shall be able to memorize multiple detailed case study from different countries, and be able to see the theoretical underpinnings of the geographical topics. In addition, students need to observe the connections between different topics and synthesize materials from a range of topical materials and case studies to tackle the essay based questions. Omissions when answering is a common weakness, as students do not know how buzzwords (e.g. development level, disparities, financial flows, cultural traits) used in questions could be broken down and tackled systematically.

Moreover, the Geography IA (the field-trip report) composes of 20% of the total grade. Students need to structure their report and organize and present their field-trip data effectively. Effective use of map and field-trip evidence is also crucial.

To improve on IB Geography, students shall read news and books on latest environmental, development and geo-political issues, develop a list of glossary for each topic, digest the respective definitions and use the concepts effectively in exams, and do more past paper drills.

Ad ref: 43736 | Posted 6 years ago